An Introduction to CouchDB “document-oriented database” # Using SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services with #SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence #SSRS # DBA career paths could lead to business intelligence # Improving […]
BI Tweets (Semana 2009-08-09) SAP, BI Strategy, Twitter for Business
Predicting the next move in the predictive analytics software market #SAP #BI (#) New Trends in #BI Requirements-Gathering (#) Essential Components of a Successful #BI Strategy (#) The Next Wave of BI […]
BI Tweets (Semana 2009-06-28) LucidEra, GARTNER, Infobright, PerformancePoint, SAP
Lucidera Hysteria Misses The Point #SaaS (via @merv @PeterJThomas) (#) End of a LucidEra? on-demand BI vendor sees storm clouds… #SaaS (via @timoelliott) (#) Gartner: Five Attributes of #CloudComputing (via […]
BI Tweets (Semana 2009-06-21) BI Saas, Cloud Computing, Infobright, JasperSoft, PerformancePoint, SAP,SQL Server, WEKA
#SQLSERVERTimings of different techniques for finding missing records (#) SQL Server Data Mining Cloud Services Preview #SQLSERVER#DATAMINING#CLOUDCOMPUTING (#) The 6 Worst Cloud Security Mistakes #CLOUDCOMPUTING (#) Does […]