Financial Analysis

Enhance profitability, liquidity, and solvency by swiftly identifying financial changes through a comprehensive assessment of your company's stability, profitability, and viability.

Benefits of a Financial Analysis

Assess the financial stability of a potencial partner, client, distributor, or supplier.
Make decisions with greater confidence and support in your company's financial.
Analyze the performance of projects based on ratings and scope.
Conduct analyses capable of predicting outcomes in the commercial operations area.
Easily indentify your competitive advantages and differentiators.
Identify problems in advance and provide viable alternatives for their resolution.

Financial Consolidation

Performance Management
Automate your company's reports and accounting closing procedures quickly and easily.

Consolidate financial data from across the entire corporate financial hierarchy,

Automate consolidation tasks, such as eliminations and currency conversions.

Desglose el estado financiero en distintas dimensiones.

Main benefits


  • Optimize your consolidation through task automation.
  • Make better decisions based on the insights provided by financial results.
  • Use hypothetical scenarios such as investments in subsidiaries, minority stakes, or other forms of participation.
  • Reconcile and certify account balances without leaving the main ledger system.
  • Optimize accounting closings by using the period-end workspace, management process, and checklist.

Everything Connected

All your data from different ledger systems integrated for better analysis.

  • Consolidation of subsidiary accounting entries with error management and full audit trail.
  • Accounting data at the trial balance level, either summarized or with fully reconciled journal entry details.



The multi-layered architecture allows scaling to support hundreds, or even thousands, of users. It is designed to process large volumes of data and handle simultaneous access by a large number of users. This is achieved without compromising performance, data integrity, or robust yet flexible security.

Data Entry and Integration

When time is a critical factor, cost-effective and functional integration becomes a key component for success. Data entry can be automated or manual, and the system accepts both quantitative and qualitative information. Financial data can be collected and presented in transaction reports in multiple currencies.

User Control

Managed directly by the finance department, which can modify data, accounting details, and organizational structures as needed, ensuring shorter timelines and reduced costs.

"Financial Consolidation" Analysis (preview)