- #SQLSERVERTimings of different techniques for finding missing records http://is.gd/12NbM (#)
- SQL Server Data Mining Cloud Services Preview #SQLSERVER#DATAMINING#CLOUDCOMPUTING http://www.sqlserverdatamining.com/cloud/ (#)
- The 6 Worst Cloud Security Mistakes #CLOUDCOMPUTING http://is.gd/12NCq (#)
- Does Business Intelligence Require Intelligent Business? (via @PeterJThomas) (#)
- GRAVITAR: BI On Demand (Business Intelligence as a Service) (Spanish) http://is.gd/13vQY (#)
- Enterprise class cloud http://is.gd/13wKb (via @Gartner_inc) (#)
- The three dimensions of enterprise 2.0 (via @timoelliott, @bduperrin ) (#)
- The 10 Essential Rules of Dimensional Modeling http://is.gd/13xRX (#)
- BI Requirements: Discovery and Deep Dive http://is.gd/13ya7 (#)
- Defining and Using Key Performance Drivers http://is.gd/14vZc (#)
- The Case for Data Warehousing-in-the-Cloud #Datawarehouse#CloudComputinghttp://is.gd/14yQW (#)
- BI Stands Up to a Bear Market http://is.gd/14yWP (#)
- Will BI 2.0 Drive Business Insight? (via @businessobjects) (#)
- IDC: SAP BI mkt share 2x nearest competitor & growth 17.8%=2x market: (via @timoelliott) (#)
- Business Intelligence Rap Video (via @biknowledgebase @RJMetrics) (#)
- Weka ya está en su versión 3.7 http://is.gd/15xiW (via @jcurto) (#)
- Virtual Machine Jaspersoft & Infobright (via @Jaspersoft @infobright) (#)
- What Is So Different about Business Intelligence Today? http://is.gd/15KCw (#)
- The Wide-Ranging Effects of MDM on BI Systems http://is.gd/17p0H (#)
- ¿Necesidad de manipular información geoespacial? Geokettle: (via @jcurto) (#)
- PerformancePoint planning source code available ( via @nicfish ) (#)
Ufff… cuanta información me alegra ver al amigo Josep Curto entre tanto artículo de Business Intelligence, su blog se lo merece.